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PTC - Innovation accelerator

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The Production Technology Center (PTC) is taking a big step forward with the new PTC Innovation Accelerator project, which will run between 2025 and 2027. With a focus on strengthening collaboration between industry and PTC's unique resources, the project will contribute to increased innovation and competitiveness in the West Swedish manufacturing industry.

PTC-Innovation Accelerator is a project that aims to develop and strengthen West Sweden's manufacturing industry by promoting innovation, sustainability and digitalization. The project creates structures that facilitate the use of research results and contribute to increased competitiveness and adaptability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Objectives and impacts
The project meets the needs of the manufacturing industry to adapt to a more circular economy and digitalized production processes. Some of the main impacts are:

  • Enhancing innovation: Developing a broader research and innovation environment within the Production Technology Center (PTC).
  • Sustainable production: Focus on practices that support circular flows and remanufacturing, helping businesses to reduce resource use and environmental impact.
  • Digitization: The creation of a physical and digital platform for testing, developing and learning in production technologies.
  • The project also contributes to increased diversity and inclusion by developing networks that attract new skills to the industry and strengthen the attractiveness of the workplace.

Focus areas

  • Collaboration platform: Creating effective ways of working between businesses, academia and business promoters.
  • Test and Demonstration: Development and application of methods to address industrial needs in production technologies and sustainability.
  • Skills development: Strengthened opportunities for University West to train the leaders and technical specialists of the future in close cooperation with industry.

Working together for long-term change

The project is being carried out in close collaboration between Innovatum Science Park, IUC Väst and University West. By linking research resources with the needs of industry, conditions are created for sustainable development and strengthened competitiveness in the region.

Reference group
The project will work with a reference group consisting of manufacturing companies and system suppliers. They provide feedback on how well the project is linked to the needs of the manufacturing industry.


Project partners

IUC logotype

PTC - Innovation accelerator

Project partnersInnovatum Science Park, University West, IUC West
Funding and financingSwedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (ERDF): SEK 4,060,000 Region Västra Götaland SEK 4,300,000. Other financiers: GKN Aerospace, Siemens Industrial Software.
Ongoing2025-01-01 - 2027-07-01

Tommy Christensen

Innovation Manager Sustainable Industry and Executive Director PTC